Gower Bird Hospital is based in Pennard on the
Gower Peninsula.
The centre is a registered veterinary practice and cares for sick, injured and
orphaned wild birds and animals with the sole
intention of returning them to the wild.
The Hospital treats all species of wild birds and small
mammals (mainly hedgehogs).
Registered as a charity in 1996, Gower Bird Hospital
currently admits over 1600 patients every year.
Rehabilitation is an essential part of our work. After
initial intensive care, the Hospital provides rehabilitation
aviaries to give the birds as natural an environment as
possible. These facilities are equipped with CCTV to enable
us to observe and assess patients before release.
People often ask to have a look around the Hospital but
this really isn’t in the best interests of our patients.
Wild animals are very easily frightened and need as much
peace and privacy as possible to aid their recovery. Staff
spend as little time as possible with the birds and animals
to minimise stress. The CCTV system was installed for this
reason. All the aviaries are camouflaged so the patients
inside have privacy and feel secure, which is the complete
opposite of a zoo where animals are on display.
Many people support us because we keep the
welfare of the birds and animals our first priority.
Every year since 1996, Gower Bird Hospital makes great
progress and is now a nationally recognised wildlife
rehabilitation centre.
Despite being a small charity,
our use of CCTV and pre- and post-release studies have
stamped us firmly on the map as a widely respected