Gower Bird Hospital engages with universities to help develop evidence based standards to improve the welfare of wild animals whilst in tempory captivity and after release.
This section of the website is currently being re-developed. When complete the details of the projects listed below will be available.
• The importance of using rehabilitation data to gain insight
into species’ distribution and abundance: monitoring hedgehog (Erinaceus
europaeus) presence in South Wales.
• A comparitive analysis of growth curves of hand-reared
Hedgehogs, Erinaceus europaeus, in Wildlife Rehabilitation
2013• Helminth parasites of the hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus (Linnaeus 1758) focusing on Crenosoma striatum (Zeder 1800), its treatment, pathology and its use as a molecular based survey tool.
2009• Pilot study in radio tracking and post release survival of hand–reared Starlings Sturnus vulgaris.
2008• Investigation into how parasite loading varies with area and time, with emphasis on the tick, fly and Capillaria parasites.
2007• The influence of housing conditions on the behaviour and welfare of over–wintered hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus.
2006• The relative abundance of Crenosoma striatum larvae in the faeces of the European hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus in relationship to sex, age and season.
2005• An investigation of survey techniques to facilitate the tracking of released hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus by Gower Bird Hospital and assessing population structure in Pennard, Gower.
2004• The ecology of ticks on Gower.
2003• A pilot study investigating the use of a detailed videotaped analysis of hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus behaviour as an aid to assessing suitability for release.
• Feeding behaviour, population trends and post-release monitoring of the house martin Delichon urbicum at the University of Wales Swansea and Gower, South Wales.
2002• Recording behaviour of overwintered hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus to assess stress and bullying.
2001• A study of urbanisation, feeding behaviour and avian botulism in five species of Laridae gulls in Swansea and Gower, South Wales.
2000• A study in bird rehabilitation using the blackbird Turdus merula.
• Radio tracking of blackbirds, Turdus merula, after a period of captive convalescence: an assessment of survivability and considerations for rehabilitation programmes.